FEZ Game Wiki

The points constellate, conspire to create shapes, shapes that tessellate.
Translated Zu engraving on the Observatory

The Observatory is an area in the Scientific Region that can be reached from Old Zu City and leads to the Orrery. There is also a Link Door that leads to the Throne Statue. Climbing up the Observatory from the door from Old Zu City is one-way, as the player will take damage if they try to fall back down. To return, they will have to take the Small Gate located at the top.

Inside the Observatory is a big telescope the player can look through to see the stars and constellations. The stars will only be visible during the game's night time.


  • A Golden Cube can be found outside the Observatory, right above a Small Gate.
  • An Anti-Cube can be found here by interpreting the constellations, as seen through the telescope, as a Tetromino Code. Each direction the telescope views features 2 Tetrominoes. 3 of the Viewpoints require the player to shift their perspective. With this information, the tetromino pairs can be ordered to the correct solution, (→ RT ← RT RT [Jump] [Jump] →).
  • A Heart Cube can be collected inside the Observatory by interpreting the red stars as binary code. By looking through the telescope in a certain direction, there will be red stars blinking in binary code (the bottom-most star is 0, and the top is 1). Translating the sequence reveals the code to be [RT LT LT RT RT LT], and when executed, reveals a Heart Cube on top of the telescope. Collecting it will immediately send it to the Temple of Love instead of the inventory.



  • Including the inside of the Observatory, this is the only place to hold all three types of cubes.