Geezer is one of the villagers who reside in Villageville. He wears a black eyepatch over his right eye, and a dark red fez which looks like a worn-out version of Gomez's fez. He also uses a cane.
Geezer used to be the 'Fez Guy', just like Gomez is now, but due to old age and his eyepatch, he can no longer view the third dimension, and thus passed it on to Gomez. He first appears at the top of Villageville, and can later be found in his house. He is also the only secondary character to appear inthe 2008 version of FEZ.
there are you. i have something i tell you. the world, you think all your life that is in the two dimensions, fool! but there are far much than two, there is three! at least. please believe a new dimension. that sign, go try it read it.
— Geezer's introduction quote in the 2008 version of FEZ
you can't read it? foolish reader! its because on other side. try a third dimension
— Geezer's quote after Gomez is directed to the sign
very good! im pride. now try to reach here. dont forget a dimension! please also not fall down!
— Geezer after Gomez reads the sign
Unused Quotes[]
"To pick something up, stand next to it and press ↓ on the D-pad"[citation needed]
"Adventure is you! Please find the cube shards. Restore the hexahedron. I'll explain you later. now go! Let's 3D adventure begin!" - After receiving the fez and the 3D-glasses in New Game Plus, enabling first-person view.